November 2009

Thanks for your prayers and keeping up with us. The ministry is going amazing! I know God has called me to be an itinerant evangelist, which is something I have wrestled with for the past year. Please pray for me, that I will do my best to love and to serve God’s people as I journey and minister to various parts of the Body of Christ. Pray for my strength, health and finances and for my wonderful wife Liz. We are so thankful for all that God is allowing us to do and be a part of. It is exciting to see where we go from here and what it looks like as we journey out on our walk with Jesus.

Thanks for your prayers
Tim B.

November schedule:

10-12th (Conference) Portland
18th (Christian School) Lake Oswego
20th (skater outreach)  Joliet, IL
21st  (Camp) Carlinville, IL
23rd  (Youth night outreach)Hermiston, OR

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