Be Encouraged

My first trip this month was to Ottawa, Ontario. John Ruben, Manafest, myself were the lineup for a really great outreach. The church removed its normal seating (pews) and had the local skateshop come out and do a demo and set up ramps right in the sanctuary. I was encouraged the most by how the teens from the church youthgroup took on the responsibility of reaching their peers. The kids showed up with us at one of the worst local High schools in the city to back Manafest and I in prayer and to reach out and invite kids to that nights event to hear the gospel. A lot of people showed up and were given bibles as they answered the call to follow Jesus.

Trip # 2 this month was in Lewistown, PA. I got to go to a place called the underground which is an old cafe\multipurpose building made into a youth hangout. I did my skating and shared how receiving Jesus revolutionized my life. It was tough trying to relate to kids who have never even heard about Jesus. I also shared how my life changed when I recognized my sin and saw my need for a savior as well as a new life. This is where I believe my heart and ministry are changing as I would have loved to have had more time hanging out mentoring and skating with these kids. I know seeds were planted and God will bring someone to do the watering, I just pray that one day I would be in a position to do more ministry and have more time with people.

My last trip this month was in Maize, KS located right outside Wichita. This was one of those trips that when I met the pastors we just instantly connected, I had a genuine conformation that this was really a “God thing”. This was not just another date to be booked and going through the motions of programs and that kind of stuff. These guys take discipleship and Gods Word seriously as well as genuine followup with any student that had made or makes a decision to follow Jesus. That is why we were able to see a whole bunch of kids surrender to Jesus that night because “the ground had already been tilled, seeds had been planted and it was time for a harvest”, glory to Jesus! I had a blast at this outreach I am going home stoked about all the things God did and is doing in so many lives.

Thanks for reading this,
“Be encourged to go out today and tell someone about Jesus and ask how you can serve them.”

“All for the Lord Jesus”

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