
I’m headed to the beach for 3 days with my bride. We are both back to work on Tues. and Skatechurch starts back up for 2016. I’m also flying to New Jersey at the end of the week to skate and speak at a camp. Please pray for our dependency on the Lord and not ourselves.

Quick update:

2015 was a good year!
I was able to travel and speak at over 30 different outreaches and share the good news of Jesus with around 500,000 people if I include that one appearance on the TBN channel.
It’s a joy to serve at Skatechurch and to have trusted leaders in place so that I can be available to go to other parts of the country to do ministry work.
Please pray that we can continue to make Skatechurch a place that is free of charge for 2016. At years end we were avg. 150 skaters a week that were hearing the Gospel of Jesus.

If you’d like to support our ministry here is the link. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.ย DONATE:ย http://skatechurch.net/byrne

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